Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Our Daily Routine

As I stated in my first post, I've broken up her hair routine into smaller routines; daily, weekly, and monthly. In this post, I'll briefly illustrate our daily routine breakdown. 

The main goal for the daily routine is to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!!!

Her routine will start at night via the bagging method( at least my understanding of it). After her shower or before she goes to bed, I'll do the following:

1. Lightly oil her scalp or any dry areas on her scalp.( Spritz with water if needed);
2. Spray her hair ( esp the ends) with water until lightly damp;
3. Lightly add oil and/or a cream leave in conditioner to her hair ( esp the ends);
4. Cover her hair with a plastic cap;
5. Cover the cap with her bonnet and leave on over night.

Next morning

1. Remove the bonnet and cap
2. Style or refresh the hair style. 

I chose the bagging method to make sure her hair is fairly moisturized. Her dry and fragile hair needs all the moisture it can get especially since her hair gets dry easily. 

Another twist to her daily routine is for her to hydrate her body internally. YES! Internally, by drinking plenty of water. Now, my daughter is 6 years old and she does attend school therefore monitoring her water intake is a bit tricky  but once she's home I make sure she drink plenty of water; juice and./or soda( very rarely) are privileges. 

My goal is to try this bagging method for 2 months and see if there are any changes. I'll report in two months even if there are changes or not. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Our Goal for bouncy curls for a bouncy girl

My goal for my daughter hair is for it to grow stronger strands, moisturized hair and  , of course, longer hair. For me to accomplish that goal, I meditated and came up with a solution. I'm going to baby her hair like it was my own child. YES! I know that sound weird but that's how i have to think of it. I'll do anything for my children for them to grow up into healthy, successful, faithful individuals; by doing that I have to give each one of them my undivided attention and unconditional love. Therefore, that's what I plan to do with my daughter's hair! Make sense.........right?!

Anywho, I came up the idea to constantly maintain her hair by doing the following:

A. Moisturizing her hair daily. I neglected to do that which caused in breakage and dryness; therefore, daily moisture will prevent that from reoccurring. Her hair will be moisturized with water and oil through the bagging method. Her hair is very dry and I figure the best way to revive it is by keeping it moisturized. My plan is to spritz her hair with water, apply oil and cover with a plastic cap every night until I see changes

B. Co washing in between washes. As I mentioned in my previous post, I washed her hair once a week. My plan is to Co-wash her hair in between washes. Therefore, I'll wash her hair every Saturday and co-wash on Tuesdays/Wednesdays.

C. Scalp Massages weekly. I've read in multiple articles/blogs that scalp massages stimulates blood circulation helping the hair grow, plus it also helps with dryness of the scalp. I plan to scalp massage her head twice a week using my Castor oil mixture( Castor oil & olive oil); I'll do it on both wash days.

D.Weekly Deep-conditioning. This is something I ALWAYS do weekly therefore it will not be much of a change.

E. Weekly Oil Treatment. I plan to oil treat her hair every other week before deep conditioning. I'll do so by shampooing her hair, apply the oil mixture, cover with plastic cap and place her under the dryer for 15 to 20 minutes.

F. Monthly Protein treatment. To replenish her hair,I  plan to do monthly protein treatments. I', however, will make my own protein treatment until i figure out the right formula or mixture for her hair.

G. Protective and/or low maintenance styling. To avoid breakage and stress on her thin fragile hair, I plan to put her hair in protective styles. Now, my idea of protective styles for my daughter are styles that protects the ends but are easy to take down during the week for wash day. Styles like that would be buns, ponytails, twists and etc. To protect her ends better, I do plan to add extensions to her hair.

So there's my play book for operation revive my Momo's hair. I hope this plays out well. :-/

Our 100th Start Over

I always thought my daughter's hair would get better over the years but boy was i wrong!! Well I'm not completely wrong but I am wrong for thinking it would get better on it's own.  It wasn't until I went natural and I realized that you have to nourish your hair for it to be stronger and healthier. It never dawned on me that I was doing the wrong thing.

Every week I'd shampoo, condition, and style her hair and left it as is until her next wash day. In between washes I'd change her hair accessories and brush the edges and that was it. I rarely moisturized her hair which was a HIGH necessity with her hair. My daughter has very dry,thin fragile hair which I didn't pay much attention to until my 2nd year into my transition. Since then I've been trying to find ways to strengthen it. I'd start a new "journey" with her hair by washing and conditioning weekly and moisturizing daily but that never stuck. I'd get to busy or to caught up with other things and completely abandon her hair. It wasn't until i saw her hair the other day is when I decided to dedicated my time to nourish her hair. Her dad had taken down her cornrows and her hair hadn't been washed in two weeks( due to the fact that I was ill )and her scalp was dirty and flaky and her hair was to fragile. Then and there is when I saw her hair was breaking and I HAD to do something about it.  While I was at work, I sat myself down and made an agenda; it's one I plan to stick to!

Within the next few posts, I'll illiterate my agenda breaking it down from Monthly to daily. With this, I plan to maintain my daughter's hair and transform it from thin, fragile and dry to thick , strong and moisturized. Pray for us that we're successful with this journey!!